Thursday, 11 November 2010

Most reviled man in England (for a short while)

Talk about a neglected blog! Things have been so hectic lately, I finished 2-3 big projects at work; an app that records text and video memories about the Alien films, integration of an Alien soundboard app into facebook with audio recording, and a crazy hectic project which involved building an app which lets facebook users track and vote for 4 teams rushing round the country to promote the film DUE DATE (starring Robert Downey Jr and Zach Galifianakis). It's rare you get a project with a name that so aptly describes it's development. I'll post some screens when I get the chance.

Anyway, in line with Nintendo's policy of shorter experiences delivered more often, this is a quick exercise I did while waiting to meet Eunice for lunch. I felt like doing a quick paint exercise, and from my browser window this mug was staring at me. This was done in Painter X and took about an hour, and I made a concerted effort to avoid drawing lines. Things I need to keep in mind:

- squint a lot
- look for the values
- refine anything that looks off by refining positive and negative shapes
- identify a light source, then stick to it
- the eyes are very important

Things I've discovered about myself:

- I'm terrible at noses
- most things I create (draw/paint) are skewed to the right